Thursday, December 17, 2009


When I was pregnant with you, your brother Ian repeatedly said he hoped you were a talker, just like him. Looks like he got his wish. Your speech development took a giant leap forward in the last two-three months. At Thanksgiving, you had more than 20 words in your vocabulary. Since then you have learned a few new words a week and I have started to lose count. It makes it easy to communicate with you for the most part for which I am grateful. Here is just a sample of your lexicon.

I can not stress how many times a day you say this. All the way to day care in the morning. Every tiny glimpse of a truck on the street. The sight of your truck book, it all sets you off. Also all things that move and aren't a car are trucks. Including airplanes.

Bahuhl= Bottle
Nana= For Nana and Banana
This is one of your favorite words and has an accompanying hand wave. Everything is Hot, even if it's not.

You try to say almost anything. This morning you said Oatmeal. You are surprising your teacher with the clarity of your speech. It's one of my favorite things to listen to you chatter to yourself in the morning. Can't wait to hear wait is to come from our little talker.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Heart New York

Last week I went to New York for work. I lived there four years, before you were born, the last year of it with your father. It was a long road to get there but me and your Dad love the City. Hate the subway at rush hour, but love the City. I missed you terribly but it was great to get back in touch with my friends and I had some tremendous meals. I can't wait introduce you to New York. The sidewalk is really the best place to see it. But no matter what you do you only get a glimse. You never see the whole picture and it's changing on you all time. There are little details of life, craftmanship, hardship, joy, relentless life on every street. It's thrilling, captivating, aggravating. Some part of me will always call it home.

Things that are still fun no matter how old you are..

Walking through dry fall leaves...

Friday, October 2, 2009

New Start

After some thought I am re-directing this blog. It is still one to preserve memories, but now posts will be addressed essentially to my son. My favorite part of my grandmother's journal is how much is teaches me about her, and that is what I want for him. Here goes!

My Boy,
What a couple weeks we have had. Your father and I had a great trip to Germany while you bonded with Nana. But then things got a little crazy. We transitioned you to a toddler room and it was too soon. You and I both have paid for that and I am not sure who has cried more. But we will get there and it will be fine. Just a few too many changes too soon. Your first birthday party was a family filled breakfast feast that involved me cooking for four and a half hours and a run to the store for more eggs. Oh but did you have fun. You just played, squealed and threw things around and generally had a great time. Then we spent some time with your godparents, with whom you have always had a special bond. Since we got back you have been a little more clingy than usual but that will change (I hope!). Yesterday, you started stacking blocks and not just knocking them down and I was so proud. This morning I spent some time with you in your classroom that you would feel more safe and I think it helped. Only time will tell me all the mistakes I am making now, but know this, I am doing the best I can and with all the love in my heart.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Life List Part 1

Inspired by Maggie Mason over at Mighty Girl, I have started my life list. Since these are in no particular order I am not going to number them.

Stay in a yurt
Become an accessories person
African Photo Safari
Teach Spencer how to eat sushi
Incorporate exercise into my daily life
Go to King's Canyon and Joshua Tree Parks
See the redwoods
Start a Scholarship that will fund at least one student a year
Promote Heart Health for Women
Learn that is okay to take a break

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Little things

There are so many things you don't realize you are going to feel or experience as a new parent. One of my favorites is how wonderful their tiny soft hands feel on your skin. There is something so powerful in the touch, a connection with such simple sweetness, that it can not help but bring a smile to your face.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Signs of Things to Come

Today when I went to pick up my son (11 months) he was a grubby playground mess. He had his first knee scrape. It was awesome.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I want to remember, but I don't. As the years pass my memories get more hazy. I don't want to forget these amazing times with my family and the ones who have already passed. My late grandmother, Olga Edith Morgan, my Nana was born this day 1912. She kept journals as a young girl and then again in her last years, tracking waking and sleeping, worries and joys. In her honor, I am starting this blog to preserve my past and chronicle my present. Happy Birthday Nana.