You have been so much fun summer. You are now speaking in full sentences about 90% of the time. "I don't want to ride that city bus", you informed me last night. It's like someone put your speech development on warp speed.
You are proud of yourself when you do something, even something small, announcing, "I did it." I hope that stay with you for the rest of your days because there are few things more valuable than your confidence.
Big Brother is here for the summer and sadly is leaving next week. You stood at the door and cried for him when he went to camp in the morning. You love watching TV with him or anything with him. It's so sweet. You've picked up some phrases from him. Nu-unh, and No, I'm fine right now. In fact you have really been into the whole family lately. Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, talking to Nana on the phone, and really not wanting me to leave you at school in the morning. We are having quite a good time playing together and you don't the fun to stop. Can't say I blame you, hard for me too kiddo.
As for your father and I, I think we will remember this year in particular. It's been a bit hard on us so far but still time for things to turn around. You and your brother have been a bright spot in our lives this summer. It's special when we are all together and there is nothing that makes you happier. We make not always know what is going on in that head of yours but in this case, we know just how you feel.