Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Two trips to the ER in around two months, that's how it's been with you lately. First, you took a headlong plunge into the edge of a chair rail to the tune of three stitches in your eyebrow. Second you took a standard walk on the sidewalk and turned into a week of a cast and not two weeks of an immobilization brace. And it's my fault. Because my dear, Mommy is clumsy. I'm sorry. I have cursed you it seems with both my addiction to chocolate and my pitiful sense of balance. Now that you have proved yourself to be a defective Weeble, I have to keep a closer eye on you. Especially since you always want to try things that are just a tiny bit out of your reach. You want to go the big playground, you want to climb the curved ladder, go go go. "Outside, Outside a minute" was your mantra. You have slowed down a bit in the days since you got the brace but it won't last long I am sure. I don't want to hold you back, I want you try, and I want you to fail. We all have to learn how to get back up. But I promise, I'm going to do better keeping up with you!