Monday, November 14, 2011


Oh Kid how you are pushing our buttons. We sailed through year two and crashed into year three. Now there is so much more resistance from you, so much more arguing and stubbornness. I know it is part of the process but I must say there are days I wish the compliance would return. You are pretty sharp, I think you will soon figure out there is an easy way and a hard way and choose the former. You hate time out and no doubt respond better to positive reinforcement but sometimes leave us no choice but to punish you. Yesterday you sat for a half an hour at the table refusing to take two bites of Cauliflower. We had to go somewhere but when we came back I warmed them up and you ate those two bites. My will is stronger than yours my boy and that will make all the difference in the end. I love you until the end of days but you are going to listen to your Mom.

Mom's Life List Part 2

Buy a Timbuk 2 bag

Buy a pair knee high kitten heeled boots

Go to Japan

Go someplace in Alaska or BC you can only get to by airplane or helicopter

Eat baby squid at the Terried Sake House again

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's like this


I can't tell you what this last 6 months has been like for your father and I. It's the kind of financial anxiety I hope you will always be spared. But since your father started his new job last month it's like the sunshine breaking through the clouds. The heavy mood has lifted for us and though it never impacted the fun we all had together, it allows us greater joy.

You have grown, like someone stretched you on a rack. You are thinning and lengthening and turning into such a kid. All scraped elbows and bruised knees. You can get your bike going from a complete stop and have such an innate physical ability. It's remarkable to watch.

You are healthy and happy, unless you are tired. Then it's grumpy pants galore. You are addicted to chocolate and struggle to understand why we don't start our day with treats. You would rather make music than listen to it. You are imaginative and goofy. In other words, a total delight. This weekend your cousin was visiting and you were so happy and such a good little host. Sharing and trying to show him everything. We watch "chuggas" and Bob the Builder. You are STILL crazy about John Deere. You always want to go straight- which is through downtown on the way home. I have been walking over and taking you on the shuttle bus with me which is a treat for everyone. No one can help but smile at the joy you have in something we take for granted.

Nana has gone home for the time being and this has been a little difficult. You miss her and the adventures you had at "Nana School" during the week. Though soon your brother will be here for the summer and a whole new set of adventures will begin!

Dearest, we love you so much. Everything about you. They way you like to sleep with blankets on your head. How you flip thorough catalogs while sitting on the potty. How you help daddy mow the grass. The way you think everything is silly. Even in the midst of all our strife, we laughed with you and loved you even more.